Blogging Dead: The Walking Dead, Episode 307 ‘When the Dead Come Knocking’

I’m surprised how well the direction of the series has been here in Season 3.  The conclusion of episode 307 left me salivating for the midseason finale, and I am oh so excited.  Before watching what will probably be the most chaotic episode of the series thus far, let’s take a look back at 307 and talk about the parts which stuck out for me.

First of all, Glenn has shown himself to be a far bigger badass than I had ever realized.  No matter how badly he took his beatings from Merle, Glenn never showed any fear and didn’t betray the group’s location.  He kept his lips shut, even after an intense walker brawl, and Merle’s threats towards Maggie.

I honestly thought the interrogation scene between Maggie and the Governor was a lot tamer than I thought it was going to be, but it’s only because I’ve read the books.  Michonne’s comic book counterpart can tell you how Maggie’s treatment seemed like peaches and cream, in comparison.  Let’s just say there were rape scenes which were more brutal than those seen on Oz.  But, I am happy Maggie didn’t actually end up raped and beaten, the poor girl.

Michonne has been as quiet as ever since finding the prison, but who can blame her after her Woodbury suspicions proved to be accurate?  I think she definitely realizes that this is Andrea’s group, and probably that Daryl is Merle’s brother, but she is keeping everything to herself, going moment to moment.  It is actually a very smart strategy, letting them know only as much as they need to until she can figure these new people out.  For all she knows, Daryl will shoot her himself if he finds out his brother was after her.

Concerning the group of four travelling to Woodbury, doesn’t Oscar kind of seem like a Star Trek redshirt, beaming down to a dangerous planet with Picard, Riker and Data?  His chances of survival are slim is all I’m saying.  A lot has been building up towards this midseason finale which will need to be explosive to top the episodes before it, and I predict we will see a lot of death.  Daryl, Rick and Michonne will most likely be alright, but, of course, you never know.

It looks like some hell is about to break loose back at the prison while the main eventers are absent, and I am sure things will be even more brutal here than in Woodbury.  I think we will end up saying goodbye to more than one of our beloved crew, which is particularly sad for me since I like everybody.

Axel’s days are probably numbered, as he seems pretty expendable, givenxd his lack of airtime.  I sure do hope he can say his catchphrase again before he goes, if he does.  I even think some of the bigger characters, such as Hershel and Andrea, are also in danger. 

I really hope Glenn and Maggie can both make it out of Woodbury alive as well, but I really just don’t know for sure.  You know what, though?  That unpredictability is what I love so much about the Walking Dead.

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